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Indo Noir
Triple Certified




Indo Noir was designed to showcase the dynamic, earthy, heavy and spice tastes of Indonesian flavors. We allow the roast to just enter the second crack, slightly dark, so the spicy, clove, earthy, herbal notes are pronounced.

Currently, we start with Ketiara women’s coop of Gayo Sumatra as the base, a bit of Purosa New Guinea, some Timor, and balance it off with the Javanese Wild Forest cooperative. As the growers harvests arrive we are able to continually update and keep the blend solid with fresh coffee. Being a triple certified blend as Kosher, Fair Trade & Organic, adds the social, environmental and economic sustainability which, for me, improves the taste.

We have many clients that swear by Indo Noir as their espresso and others that claim it as a proper filter cup. Either way an interesting flavor arrives.

Personally, I’ve enjoyed it full immersion press pot as café au lait. The milk is first heated and combined 40/60 with the heated water, stirred, then pressed together after the 4:20 minutes. Torrey Lee, Cafe Moto.

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